Numbers of public lectures have been oraganised by the Historic Anthropology Research Center of Sun Yat-sen University, as well as co-organized by Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Hong Kong University and South China Research Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since 2002. Scholars from different disciplines in Humanities were invited to give lectures.
Territorial Nationalism: Studies in Historical Geography (1900-1949) (2013.12.9)
Professor Sabine Dabringhaus (Chair for East Asian History, University of Freiburg, Germany)
事件、結構與制度變革:比較歷史視野下的英國(1642-1752)、日本(1868-1895)和中國(1851-1911)財政制度的演變 (2013.10.26)
Regional Theater in the Age of Nationalism: Cantonese Opera and the Mei-Ou Challenge (2013.5.10)
Professor Ng Wing Chung (Professor, the University of Texas at San Antonio, Fulbright Scholar, Hong Kong Baptist University 2012/13)
Imperial Addictions: Collateral Archaeologies of the Opium Trade, c. 1720-1890 (2013.5.2)
Professor Neil Price (Department of Archaeology, University of Aberdeen)
Death in the Desert: Symbolic Politics and Moral Geographies at the edge of the US (2012.11.19)
Professor Lawrence J. Taylor (Department of Anthropology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Moving Stories: Memorialisation and identity in treaty port China (2012.4.18)
Professor Robert Bickers (Department of History, University of Bristol)
Concentric Spheres and the Exchange of Craft Techniques: Canton, the Ch’ing Court and the Holy Roman Empire (2011.12.23)
Dr. Ching-fei Shih (Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University)
Man and Nature are One: Living with plants, thinking up medicine (2011.10.18)
Professor Judith B. Farquhar (Max Palevsky Professor of Anthropology and Social Sciences in the College and Department Chair, University of Chicago)
陸梁名義新釋──附說《禹貢》梁州與「治梁及岐」之梁 (2011.9.23)