Special Programs


•The Salt and Light Preservation Center Village, Yimtintsai Village
(Charitable Institution---91/11287)
•City University of Hong Kong
(Department of Chinese and History)
•Hong Kong Baptist University
(Academy of Chinese, History, Religion and Philosophy)
•Hong Kong Shue Yan University
(Department of Sociology)


•The Salt and Light Preservation Center Village, Yimtintsai Village
(Charitable Institution---91/11287)
•City University of Hong Kong
(Department of Chinese and History)
•Hong Kong Baptist University
(Academy of Chinese, History, Religion and Philosophy)
•Hong Kong Shue Yan University
(Department of Sociology)


由大嶼山保育基金資助,䃟頭村農家生活舘和䃟頭農藝社將於2024年6月至12月期間推出 「家居水耕種植技術工作坊」系列。



21st May 2024 (Tuesday)


Bamboo theatre, Hang Hau Village Car Park


16th - 21st May, 2024

Bamboo theatre, Hang Hau Village Car Park

Inviting deities: 11:00, 16th May

Sending off deities: 11:00, 21st May

Field trip: 10:30-12:30, 16th May


The Salt and Light Preservation Center, Yimtintsai Village (Charitable Institution---91/11287)
City University of Hong Kong (Department of Chinese and History)
Hong Kong Baptist University (Department of Education, Department of Religion and Philosophy)
Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Department of Sociology)






The Tai O dragon boat water parade is a traditional activity unique to the local community. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the three fishermen’s associations in Tai O, namely Pa Teng Hong, Sin Yu Hong and Hap Sim Tong, organize the dragon boat water parade. The associations’ dragon boats tow sacred sampans carrying deity statuettes in a parade through Tai O waters to invoke blessings for well-being and peace. This has been practiced for a century or more.

Secondary and tertiary students are welcome

South China Research Center and the Joint Association of Traditional Hakka Unicorn in Hang Hau and Sai Kung jointly organize this Hakka unicorn dance workshop at HKUST to foster understanding and participation in local heritage.





楊公侯王是大澳漁民所信奉的最重要神明,農曆六月初六侯王誕是大澳漁民最隆重的一個神誕節日。大澳漁家影像舘將於侯王誕期間推出 “神誕正日巡遊、賀誕、問卜” 作爲專題的 “微紀錄片工作坊“。參加者跟隨巡游隊伍運送神像出遊,用手機拍攝各項祭祀儀式,再剪輯成微紀錄片作爲文化保育。


Ritual Musicians in Taoist Complete Perfection School Ritual Performances
Processional Music
Ritual Musicians in Cantonese Buddhist Ritual Performances

Secondary and tertiary students are welcome

South China Research Center and the Joint Association of Traditional Hakka Unicorn in Hang Hau and Sai Kung jointly organize this Hakka unicorn dance workshop at HKUST to foster understanding and participation in local heritage.